英国雷尼绍产品代码: A-5555-0089
2023年08月17日 作者 fendu 106 0英国雷尼绍M5不锈钢平垫圈,用于星形测针,直径11 mm,适合Zeiss应用,产品代码: A-5555-0089, Flat washer for star styli Technical drawing of the flat washer for star styli, for use on the web shop. [0B] ,技术表格 螺纹 M5...
英国雷尼绍 三坐标测头 机床测头 TP200 LP2
英国雷尼绍M5不锈钢平垫圈,用于星形测针,直径11 mm,适合Zeiss应用,产品代码: A-5555-0089, Flat washer for star styli Technical drawing of the flat washer for star styli, for use on the web shop. [0B] ,技术表格 螺纹 M5...
英国雷尼绍M5 4向星形测针,Ø3.5 mm红宝石测球,碳化钨测杆,测量长度15 mm,适合Zeiss应用,产品代码: A-5555-0073, Star stylus Technical drawing of star stylus for use on the web shop. [0B] ,技术表格 螺纹 M5...
英国雷尼绍M5不锈钢平垫圈,用于星形测针,直径19 mm,适合Zeiss应用,产品代码: A-5555-0090, Flat washer for star styli Technical drawing of the flat washer for star styli, for use on the web shop. [0B] ,技术表格 螺纹 M5...
英国雷尼绍M5不锈钢有槽垫圈,用于星形测针,直径11 mm,适合Zeiss应用,产品代码: A-5555-0091, Grooved washer for star styli Technical drawing of the grooved washer for star styli, to be used on the web shop. [0B] ,技术表格 螺纹 M5...
英国雷尼绍M3 1/4星形测针,Ø3 mm红宝石测球,碳纤维测杆,测量长度11 mm,适合Zeiss应用,产品代码: A-5555-1273, Technical drawing M3 XXT 1/4 star stylus Technical drawing M3 XXT 1/4 star stylus [0B] ,技术表格 螺纹 M3...
英国雷尼绍M2 4测球星形测针,Ø1 mm红宝石测球,10 mm跨距,产品代码: A-5000-7811, Image of A-5000-7811 No description available [0B] ,如果需要接触不同表面但不希望更换测针,则可使用此多测尖星形测针。红宝石被公认为用于测针的行业标准材质,它是目前可得到的ZU坚硬的材料之一,适合大多数应用。由于存在粘附磨损现象,扫描铝质工件时不建议使用红宝石测针。,技术表格 测...
M2 Ø4 mm红宝石球端柱形测针,不锈钢测杆,长度22 mm,产品代码: A-5003-0073, Image of A-5003-0073 Cylinder styli can be used in situations where correct contact with a ball stylus cannot be guaranteed, such as applications with sheet metal, pressed componen...
M2 Ø2 mm碳化钨球端柱形测针,碳化钨测杆,长度40 mm,产品代码: A-5003-0074, Stylus Image STYCP-150-A-5003-0074 Stylus Image STYCP-150-A-5003-0074 [0B] ,如果无法确保球形测针准确接触被测表面(例如在测量金属薄片、冲压件或薄工件等应用中),则可以使用柱形测针。碳化钨测针非常适合用于和被测工件的接触点具有极高耐磨要求的应用。,技术表格 测球...
M2 Ø2 mm红宝石球端柱形测针,不锈钢测杆,长度21.2 mm,产品代码: A-5000-7812, Image of A-5003-0073 Cylinder styli can be used in situations where correct contact with a ball stylus cannot be guaranteed, such as applications with sheet metal, pressed compon...
M2 Ø1 mm红宝石球端柱形测针,红宝石测杆,长度15 mm,产品代码: A-5000-8876, M2 ruby cyclinder styli Cylinder styli can be used in situations where correct contact with a ball stylus cannot be guaranteed, such as applications with sheet metal, pressed compo...